The College has provided you a student account that will remain active after your graduation date till January 1 of the new year. You are responsible to maintain, keep private, your student information, username, and passwords at all times. This will be the only form of communication that the College and faculty have directly with you so keep your account active.
Check your Emails daily! Contact UnityPoint IT Service Center if exercising issues! (800)-681-2060
Tip Sheet
Instructions for Mobile Phone Email Setup
Outlook for iOS
Outlook for Android
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Enrollment Tip Sheet
MFA Tip Sheet
Password Management
UnityPoint has provided a resource for managing your Email service in case of Email Lock Out/Forgot Username or Password. All students are encouraged to register their passwords by using the UnityPoint PRIM link.
- Enrollment for Self Service Password Reset
- Change Password
- Reset Password
IT Service Center