
Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences is excited to offer this online option for payment of your Nursing Student Loan. We hope that it proves valuable in helping to better your loan payment experience by providing added convenience and saving you time.

Although we hope you take advantage of the online payment option, payments can also be made by check/cashier’s check or cash (if making payment in person). Please make checks payable to Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences, and direct payments to the Business Services Specialist.

Card payments via phone will no longer be accepted as of May 1, 2025.

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NSL General Information

Nursing Student Loan payments are due by the 1st of every month. Updated statements are sent monthly via US Mail to the borrower’s address on file. Please ensure addresses are updated when necessary by contacting the Business Services Specialist. A Late Fee of 6% will be assessed for payments 60+ or more days past due. Any account 120+ days past due is subject collections.
