
All faculty members, Trinity College students, Trinity College alumni and Trinity employees are welcome to visit the library during all library hours. The online library is accessible 24/7.


AMANDA SMOLENSKIHealth Sciences Library Lead
(309) 779-7758

  • Librarian hours
    Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


The Health Sciences Library is now located in our Student Success Center room 128.

  • Students and faculty are welcome to use the library space at any time, including evenings and weekends.
  • The online library is accessible 24/7 via:
  • Students are encouraged to make appointments with the librarian for assistance with assignments and projects

Making Copies

A copier is available in Amanda's office 113. Copies are 10 cents per sheet or free if you bring your own paper. Copies should be made for your own private use and research, and are subject to the Fair Use clause. Section 107 of the Copyright Law is known as the "Fair Use" statute. If you are copying journal articles or books to avoid purchasing the material, it may be considered copyright infringement, even in an educational setting. Please contact the Librarian for assistance.